White House to Washington Circle, Washington, DC
Design Completed 2015, Construction TBD
Golden Triangle BID
Architectural Design - Urban Design
Pennsylvania Avenue's identity encompasses diverse conditions that transcend its symbolic presence. Pennsylvania Avenue serves as more than just the connection between the White House and Washington Circle – it represents instead a living link between the 'Federal City' and 'The District' where we live, work, and play every day. West of the White House, it becomes something else altogether. Connecting the Federal City to two of the oldest (pre-District) neighborhoods, the avenue bridges the gap between the educational, institutional, government, and private uses that have made DC one of the most vibrant cities in the country. Saddled with these numerous roles to fill and cut off from the White House since 1996, this portion of Pennsylvania Avenue has lost a clear sense of identity and failed to live up to its potential as a local and tourist activity center.
By reducing the number of travel lanes, adding a protected cycle track, and extending the streetscape, Pennsylvania Avenue will become a more welcoming pedestrian district that reflects the vibrancy of the city around it. Increasing the tree canopy and adding planters and rain gardens will create consistent shade, reduce the heat-island effect, reduce runoff, and create pleasant spaces for tourists and local workers alike to pause and relax. It will also create a green corridor to connect Rock Creek Park to the National Mall, activating Murrow and Monroe Parks along its path.
After a thorough analysis of the current conditions, including transportation and streetscape studies, KGP worked with various stakeholders, including the Golden Triangle BID, DDOT, NPS, CFA, and NCPC, to develop a design that created a greener, more pedestrian-friendly avenue. Together, building owners, government representatives, members of the BID, and KGP developed concepts to help attract more activity and diversify the uses of Pennsylvania Avenue west of the White House.
KGP worked closely with DDOT to include a safe cycle track to the south side of the avenue. At the time, it will be the first cycle track in the District to be protected from automobile traffic by a tree-lined median. KGP, DDOT, and the BID interfaced with building owners and managers to develop a phasing system that will minimize construction disruption along the avenue and allow for alterations in later phases based on results from early project implementation.